کارت اعتباری دانشجویی

آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی-درس هشتم(کارت اعتباری دانشجویی+بیان علایق)


عمده دانشجویانی که برای تحصیل به خارج از کشور می روند، با موضوعی به نام کارت اعتباری دانشجویی سرو کار خواهند داشت.  این نوع کارت ها همانگونه که در مکالمه هم خواهید دید، سود زیادی از شما دریافت خواهند کرد و … در مکالمه دوم هم یک موضوع بسیار پر کاربرد (خصوصا در آزمون تافل و آیلتس) با عنوان معرفی خود و علایق و سرگرمی های شما و خانواده تان .


۱-مکالمه زبان انگلیسی در مورد کارت اعتباری دانشجویی

در این مکالمه از مزایا و معایب کارت های اعتباری خواهید شنید. سعی کنید بار اول که به مکالمه گوش می دهید، بفهمید که مشکل دقیقا چیست؟ چه راه حلی برای مشکل پیشنهاد می شود؟

با دقت گوش کنیم:


Man: Hi, Sis. I just came over to drop off the DVDs you wanted, and . . . Hey, wow!? Where did you get all of this stuff?
Woman: I bought it. So, what do you think of my new entertainment center? And the widescreen TV . . .



می خوای کل این سایت توی جیبت باشه؟ توی اپلیکیشن آموزش زبان انگلیسی چرب زبان، انگلیسی رو جوری یاد میگیری که تو هیچ کلاس آموزشی یا پک دیگه ای نه دیدی نه شنیدی! در کمترین زمان انگلیسی مثل بلبل حرف بزن!


Man: Bought it?

Woman: . . . and my new DVD player. Here, let me show you my stereo. You can really rock the house with this one.

Man: But where did you get the dough to buy all this? You didn’t borrow money from mom and dad again, did you?

Woman: Of course not. I got it with this!

Man: This? Let me see that . . . Have you been using Dad’s credit card again?

Woman: No, silly. It’s mine. It’s student credit card.

Man: A student credit card? How in the world did you get one of these?

Woman: I got an application in the mail.

Man: Well, why did you get one in the first place?

Woman: Listen. Times are changing, and having a credit card helps you build a credit rating, control spending, and even buy things that you can’t pay with cash . . . like the plane ticket I got recently.

Man: What plane ticket?

Woman: Oh yeah, my roommate and I are going to Hawaii over the school break, and course, I needed some new clothes for that so . . .

Man: I don’t want to hear it. How does having a student credit card control spending? It sounds you’ve spent yourself in a hole. Anyway, student credit cards just lead to impulse spending . . . as I can see here. And the interest rates of student credit cards are usually sky-high, and if you miss a payment, the rates, well, just jump!

Woman: Ah. The credit card has a credit limit . . .

Man: . . . of $20,000?

Woman: No, no quite that high. Anyway, . . .

Man: I’ve heard enough.

Woman: Did I tell you we now get digital cable with over 100 channels? Oh, and here’s your birthday present. A new MP3 player . . .

Man: Yeah. Oh, don’t tell me. Charged on the credit card. Listen. Hey, I don’t think having a student credit card is a bad idea, but this is ridiculous. And how in the world are you going to pay off your credit card bill?

Woman: Um, with my birthday money? It’s coming up in a week.

Man: Hey, let’s sit down and talk about how you’re going to pay things back, and maybe we can come up with a budget that will help you get out of this mess. That’s the least I can do.


۲-مکالمه زبان انگلیسی در مورد بیان علایق و سرگرمی های خانوادگی

در این مکالمه یاد خواهید گرفت که چگونه در مورد سرگرمی ها و فعالیت های خانوادگی خود برای فرد مقابل تان توضیح دهید. (بسیار کاربردی برای آزمون های تافل و آیلتس). سعی کنید پس از بار اولی که به این مکالمه گوش می دهید، خودتان بتوانید علایق خود را به زبان انگلیسی مطرح کنید. سطح این مکالمه مقدماتی است.

با دقت گوش کنیم:


My name’s Randall Davis, and I’m originally from the state of Indiana in the United States. When I was 19 years old, I moved to Venezuela in South America, and later returned to the United States, where I attended Brigham Young University in the 1980s. I majored in Spanish education and TESOL, or teaching English as a second language. After graduating from college, my wife and I moved to Japan where we lived for eight years. Now, I work back in the States in Utah.
However, my greatest interests are my family. Years ago, I wanted to make something of myself in my profession . . . you know . . . get ahead in life. However, I realized that the most important things in life lived within the walls of my own home, and today, I try to put them first. My kids wouldn’t remember me for the work I did outside of the home; they would only recall the moments we spent together.

Therefore, I enjoy spending time with my family. I have four children, and we go hiking and camping together, usually in Utah. On our hikes, we often talk about life, and I tell stories or share personal experiences. When I do this, I can focus on the kids without the distractions of video games or the Internet. Telling stories sounds easy, but when you have to think of a new story on a hot, 12-kilometer hike through the desert, you have to come up with ideas off the top of your head.

Now, this doesn’t mean we don’t have problems; all families face challenges in their lives, and our family is no exception. However, we try to talk openly about our problems, and we try to solve our problems together. Building a strong family takes time, but it is worth the effort.

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